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I receive many calls and messages from collectors, hobbyists and small transformers, it is a topic that I have dealt with a lot in my workshops, those who follow me already know that there are many types of adhesives for acrylic, but now I want to talk about the easiest and fastest glue of all and this time.
I will answer publicly to all your questions

1 Does the liquid glue for acrylic stick to other materials or plastics?

The answer is No, this type of glue is solvent-based and therefore needs the molecule of plexiglass (methacrylate) to act. It's liquid like water, so it doesn't create an adhesive layer, but it melts the two parts in contact and fuses them into a single piece, so it is necessary that the acylic sheets are perfectly in contact, but we will see this later.

2 How do I clean the excess glue?

If you have used too much glue by mistake, you don't have to do anything, just wait for it to evaporate. In cases where it leaves a stain or a halo because you've used too much glue, you can use a liquid polish for cleaning and polishing acrylic, which you can wipe off with an old cotton T-shirt and is also used to clean and polish a finished and dated piece of plexiglass.

3 Can I use the syringe to pass the glue?

I don't recommend it if you are a beginner, you need a steady hand for the syringe. It is preferable to use a small flat brush, soak it with glue and simply put it on the joint, you will see that the glue will walk by itself.

4 Why has the leftover glue evaporated?

Because it is a solvent glue, that's why we distribute it in small bottles and we advise you to keep it well sealed in a dark and cool place. It should not take light and it should not take heat. In the summer season we have problems with evaporation even during shipping due to too much heat.
So don't buy a lot of glue if you don't use it, take only the amount you need.

5 Do I glue the pieces together and then join them?

No, you have to make up your piece by fixing it with the paper tape, apply the glue being careful that it does not come into contact with the tape, if it does, do not clean it with liquid polish for acrylic, but brush it using a polishing paste for acrylic.

6 How do I put the paper tape on?

To make it as clear as possible, we have made a short video to show you every step of the gluing process. What you need to know is that this glue acts by capillarity, that is, it only sticks if the two parts of acrylic are in perfect contact, so the initial phase, when you assemble the pieces with the paper tape, is fundamental.

The tape should be placed at the ends and, if the piece is large, also in the centre or in several places, provided that the piece is solid. If you see that the glue does not go through, but stops, it means that there is air in that point and therefore it is not adhering well.

That's the whole trick to success.

Below is the video, as always if you have any questions, doubts or anything else, do not hesitate to write to me.

Enjoy watching and good work!





HERE you will find the glue I have mentioned


Do not drink and do not inhale, avoid contact with skin and eyes, if this happens wash thoroughly with soap and water.

Contact us if you need further information or assistance

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